poor and ignored until we pick up a gun

08 October 2023 ☉ in ♎︎ : ☽ in ♌︎ : ♀ → ♍︎

terrorists #StopCopCity
terrorists #FreePalestine
terrorists #GoodNightAltRight
everwhen is war” #AmeriKKKa

a public service announcement with guitars

caste war this war, that war

when the young dance, they do not dance forever

the brilliant film that got me out of covid isolation is just what the doctor ordered

she’s got j.g. ballard eyes, but cooler

we called it church, it ran on sundays, and was the most hopeful future on even if they m.i.c. stand-ins

i still dream because otherwise the iguana will bite me

i’ll pull the bricks down one by one

07 Oct 2023 ☉ in ♎︎ : ☽ in ♋︎

i see 1984 in my news today, from the 2-minute hate

to this bit about one of our lines of defense against a potential skynet ‘born’ that year

a historian discusses the very real threat to democracy

and while joe builds the wall that the orange jumpsuit’s mob made

and cozies up to a murderous monarchist

another wall is ripped open wrapped deathly tight around his foreign policy failures

to signal that “a 4th century tactic is useless in the 21st

welcome eclipse season – coming up bars across texas

a black sun twofer while pluto goes forward

conjunct america’s pluto return for another pass.


Image: NASA

Eurythmics 1984 Score
Eurythmics 1984 Playlist

ye gods i love da atx


well hung and snow white tan

31may2013: ☉ in ♊: ☽ in ♓

the world is upside-down and contrariwise. austerity is not a solution.#servingtheoligarchs

nyan cat wants to go on a bike ride with you. gifs for your bike wheels. #coolwheels

hey man, you’re killing the vibe. california is killing beach culture, for the riches. #propertyistheft

women scholars finally getting some props for the work they pioneered. #upwithwomen

friday mornin’ music y’all. strong base of joy division, hints of siouxsie, the cure, and gang of four, even a tease of throwing muses. brilliant album. #sissyprettylove

whip me, beat me, spank me. the vanilla lifestyle is bumming you out. #sexisnotsin

all your pig farms are belong to us. we are the 23rd province of the prc. #yearsofriceandsalt

a psuchologist asked about our experiences a few years after it was removed from his satchel of options. #idiotsrule

well hung and snow white tan” the story of ziggy stardust from the bbc. #lepermessiah

once upon a time there was water up there. mars has pebbles. #adastra

tilda swinton reads one of rumi’s poems. pure swoon, trying to breathe now. #likethis

“if they control seed, they control food.” seeds of death. you are sleeping. awake yourselves! #monsantoisevil

they chalk it up to my anger and never to their own fear

30may2013: ☉ in ♊: ☽ in ♒

all their lies are starving people, for what? to protect the avaricious capitalists. #yougotnothing

michele ‘crazy eyes’ bachmann’s legislative accomplishments. #nada

“barely better than reading chicken entrails” making money for murdoch and ailes. #fauxnews

fear of a scarlet woman. why a woman’s sexuality is still the most fearful thing in a fundamentalist mind. #misogynyishate

press freedoms should be protected. but all your communications are ours. #policestate

best wedding photo evah. #runforyourlives

paying for research in order to limit others civil rights is not democracy or science. #tools

the tea party was targeted because it wasn’t doing social work it was koch astroturf. #buyingdemocracy

coltrane, live. #jazzitup

google egg for your retro enjoyment. #nerdjoy

perhaps having deconstructed everything

29may2013: ☉ in ♊: ☽ in ♒

this is how you do it. all the stuff for all the people, forever, everywhere. #museumwin

hannah ‘the banality of evil’ arendt gets an new biopic. #notagoodgerman

facebook bends under pressure to do the right thing. #misogynyishate

cannabis finally comes of age in the united states. #endprohibition

david byrne and st.vincent together again on brass tactics ep. #freethingsarecool

don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, michele ‘crazy eyes’ bachmann #buhbye

and i will say it again, “ding dong the witch is dead.” #thatcherateengland

way to revolutionize my two-wheeler. integrated lights in your handlebars. #designsmart

when they come to ethnically cleanse me

28may2013: ☉ in ♊: ☽ in ♒

“she is benediction, she is the essence of thee, she is the root connection.” patti smith, sing muse.

“and like it or not, we’re gonna build you a better civilization.” ending the nra.

“my my hey hey rock and roll is here to stay” neil young & devo do ‘(into the black)’. h/t boing²

dune: the card game via mefi

SCIENCE!11!1!!!11! seeing an atom’s orbital structure.

“trampled under foot by the rise of the right”  europe’s far-right is growing fat on austerity.


till there was rock, you only had god

24may2013: : ☉ in ♊: ○ in ♐

rough weather ahead says noaa. hurricane season is on its way.

half steps are better than no steps at all. boy scouts piss off the american taliban.

conflict of interest much? all your banking laws are belong to us.

it appears that holder is in some hot water now.

“girl w/ a guitar is 12x better than another crazy band of boys”. new prince & 3rd eye girlfixurlifeup

daniel dennett’s seven tools for thinking.

first! dnd forgotten realms on your mobile. free. props for early sign-up. #nerdalert

“otherwise the whole thing becomes fantasy”. neil is a trekkie.

“your masturbating is just so (beat) disgusting.” jon is bringing it to nooney tunes.

if the real joan of arc were to stand up today/ she’d be deleted away cold by the wikipedi aaaa (with apologies to the the)

get well doctor. rocky misses you.

beauty in the hurricane’s eye

23may2013: ☉ in ♊: ☽ in ♏

this is what your tax dollars are doing in the world. #warcrimes.

and speaking of the cia and their activities abroad

welcome the bubblemen. london 1987 concert for love & rockets’ earth, sun, moon tour.

fap ‘em if you got ‘em. because the catholic league, scalia, and wbc hate it.

reading kim stanley robinson’s excellent the years of rice and salt, history isn’t always what has been written in the master narrative.

“here i am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to take you to the bridge. call that job satisfaction, ’cause i don’t.” the i² in s.m.i².l.e.

the whole world is watching. be prepared to do the right thing bsa.

my god is bigger than your god and your doing that there invoking wrong. #fuckwit

FOR THE BEES! stand against monsanto on saturday, here, there, and everywhere.

keep looking up!” venus, mercury and jupiter do a dance for us.

cowards. you know what to do. give ’em an earfull y’all. #monsantocongress

brilliant. this is smart, brave, and compassionate. as a friend said, “day made, faith in humanity restored.”

the slogans that hovers between the headstone and her eyes

22may2013: ☉ in ♊: ☽ in ♏

“For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.” atheist state rep. invokes carl sagan in benediction.

maria alyokhina of pussy riot has begun a hunger stike.

a feotus is not a baby and women are not incubators.”

one of the greatest albums of rock n roll history. rip trevor bolder.

the only band that matters is releasing a (boom)box set.

the shadow of the patriot act is long and lingering. sacrificing freedom for security

Citizen Koch and how moneyed interests control the narrative about the ongoing class war.

“to bear witness, to be with a woman as she goes through this private journey, to witness her strength and weakness, her grief, her relief, her pain.” private ceremonies.

while you are at (sh) e. (ra) warren can we get a maximum wage? #elizabethwarrenisouronlyhope